Sunday, November 4, 2007

Abortion Industry Scores

Thanks to the Alaska Supreme Court Oligarchy, parents are barred from having a say in whether or not their teenage daughters can have an abortion. I don't own my own business, but this has got to be good news for Big Abortion's tween marketing department.

Check out this ridiculous quote by our esteemed Chief Justice:
"From time to time, we are called upon to decide constitutional cases that touch upon the most contentious moral, ethical, and political issues of our day. In deciding such cases, we are ever mindful of the unique role we play in our democratic system of government. We are not legislators, policy makers, or pundits charged with making law or assessing the wisdom of legislative enactments. We are not philosophers, ethicists, or theologians, and 'cannot aspire to answer' fundamental moral questions or resolve societal debates. We are focused only on upholding the constitution and laws of the State of Alaska," wrote Fabe.

Bullshit. It is difficult to believe that this is what passes for competency in Alaska's highest court. I don't understand how the people could choose such a jud....oh, that's right. We don't get to choose. Read the ADN article here. The article tries to downplay the decision giving the number of teenagers who had abortions in 2006. But for some reason, the question of how such a decision would affect the numbers in the future didn't come up.


Unknown said...

Thats exactly why John McCain needs to win this election.
If Obama wins, can you imagine the types of judges he would appoint at the federal level.

McCain For President said...

ICYMI: John McCain On Job Creation In Ohio

"My opponent is against the expansion of nuclear power. His running mate here in Ohio recently said that they weren't supporting clean coal either. And the fact is that their billions of dollars in higher taxes would kill jobs here in Ohio. That's not what Ohio needs and that's not what America needs." -- John McCain

John McCain
Strongsville, OH

John McCain: "I know that a lot of eyes have been on Wall Street and Washington for the past week as we all process the credit crisis that has hit our economy in such a devastating fashion. But I want the people in Ohio here to know that I've not forgotten the economy on Main Street. Not Wall Street, not Washington D.C., but Main Street is the focus of our attention, our efforts.

"And I am going to put in place the priorities and policies that will create jobs in Ohio. And one important way that we're going to create jobs here is with the development of additional nuclear power plants and through investments in clean coal technology. We will invest as much as $2 billion a year to develop clean coal technology. America sits on the world's largest coal reserves, and we have to use it and clean coal technology is the best way. Not only will investment in our energy infrastructure create millions of new jobs across the country, it will help lead our nation toward the absolutely vital goal of energy independence.

"My opponent is against the expansion of nuclear power. His running mate here in Ohio recently said that they weren't supporting clean coal either. And the fact is that their billions of dollars in higher taxes would kill jobs here in Ohio. That's not what Ohio needs and that's not what America needs. My economic focus throughout this campaign has always been pro-growth policies that will create jobs. I share that focus with Pat Sink and the Operating Engineers Local 18, which represents thousands of workers here in Ohio. I am honored and happy to accept their endorsement. Thank you."

Watch John McCain

Last Week, Joe Biden Said "We're Not Supporting 'Clean Coal ... No Coal Plants Here In America"

Last Week In Ohio, Biden Said That He Didn't Support Clean Coal And Said "No Coal Plants Here In America." PERSON: "Senator, Senator, wind and solar are flourishing here in Ohio, so why are you supporting clean coal?" BIDEN: "Say ... I didn't hear what you said." PERSON: "Wind and solar are flourishing here in Ohio, so why are you supporting clean coal?" BIDEN: "We're not supporting 'clean coal.' Guess what. China's building two every week. Two dirty coal plants. And it's polluting the United States. It's causing people to die." PERSON: "So will you support wind and solar?" BIDEN: "Absolutely. Before anybody did. The first guy to introduce a global warming bill was me, 22 years ago. The first guy to support solar energy was me, 26 years ago. It came out of Delaware. But guess what. China is gonna burn three hundred years of bad coal unless we figure out how to clean their coal up. Because it's going to ruin your lungs and there's nothing we can do about it. No coal plants here in America. Build them, if they're going to build them over there make 'em clean because they're killing you." (Joe Biden, Remarks, Maumee, OH, 9/17/08)

Watch Biden Say "No Coal Plants Here In America" Here:

Biden Doesn't "Think There's Much Of A Role For Clean Coal In Energy Independence ... Clean-Coal Technology Is Not The Route To Go In The United States ..." BIDEN: "I don't think there's much of a role for clean coal in energy independence, but I do think there's a significant role for clean coal in the bigger picture of climate change. Clean-coal technology is not the route to go in the United States, because we have other, cleaner alternatives." (Amanda Griscom Little, "Biden On The Record," Grist,, 8/29/07)

B-man said...

New Viral email: Obama Dictionary


Sorry, you didn't give an email, so please contact me and then delete this comment if desired, thanks!

I am a newcomer to the political blogosphere, but am a long-time internet viral marketer. On the night of November 1, I just launched the blog

It's sole purpose: To spread a 2-page pdf file which 1) summarizes Barak Obama's history and agenda, and 2) provides Google and YouTube starting points for searches via clickable hyperlinks. I estimate it will reach over 500,000 viewers by November 3.

I ask that you review the attached pdf of the Obama Dictionary, and do what you can to spread it.

* Post it on your blog, or simply a link to

* If you have an email list, please send it out ASAP, with a note such encouraging others to try the links themselves and forward to friends before election day.

* Bring it to the attention of other bloggers and mailing list managers.

All comments, suggestions, edits and encouragements are appreciated!

Thank you!

- The Obama Dictionary team