Friday, July 24, 2009

A regret and a call for leadership

This Sunday, Governor Sarah Palin will resign her office, and Lt. Governor Sean Parnell will take her place. We here at ASP are sad to see Governor Palin go. Both Akidis and Jellaby wish her well and encourage her to not be discouraged by the plethora of incompetent, unprincipled and outright jealous voices that seek to destroy her. Check back here for follow up posts on what Conservatives can learn from Palin's time as Governor.

At the same time, ASP calls on Sean Parnell for bold, decisive and directed leadership. We know that he has the ability, the ideas, and what Governor Palin did not have: the right people. Sean Parnell has a circle of people that he can trust. Governor Palin, unfortunately, did not. She was not perfect as Governor, but no one is. What liabilities exist for Parnell?

1. There will be enormous pressure to keep the same department figures that have hampered the advancement of good policy.

2. The gas line which unfortunately does not look as optimistic as it did a year ago (because of the market, not because of AGIA), could eat up too much energy and momentum.

3. The media may try to ignore Parnell (they will try) for the summer and start coverage of the Governor's race a year ahead of time. It will be important to put forth an agenda for the next year, make it easy to communicate, relatively short (3-4 items), and come up with a communications strategy for it.

4. Parnell may be too timid.

All of these liabilities can be overcome. Let's hope they are.

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